Silence CD
13 compositions by Filipino musicians. Created to accompany the book Silence.
"About two years ago, the concept of writing a book about "silence" came to my mind and took root. Before long, it burst into a flowering of ideas, nurtured by a desire which I believe exists in all of us. That is, that we seek within ourselves a place where we can be still and have peace. A place where we can soar and dream freely, unfettered from the chaos that constantly hounds us.
I found fruition in writing this book by asking my good friend, Professor Randy David, to collaborate with me, and provide the text to what I hope will be a most exciting book. Together with my own illustration , images complementary to the book Silence will be a chronicle of the voyages of the human soul.
During the long hours the it has taken us to work on Silence, I also found solace in music, of a kind that would contribute rather than distract me from my thoughts. Quiet and soothing music, I call it. Commercially, I believe that it is called New Age music, music that mimics the sounds that one hears in nature. The pitter-patter of falling rain, for instance. Or the soughing of a gentle breeze and the singing of birds in early morning. Or the sounds created by people, such as the gentle striking of gongs, or the chants of monks in prayers. I then realized that if we cared to listen to all these sounds we could subliminally learn to discern compositions of great beauty.
Moved by this idea, I decided to expand on our project by seeking the independent collaboration of a group of very talented Filipino musicians and composers who could five new wings to Silence, the book, but this time, through music. I invited them to participate and they very enthusiastically received the idea.
Th result of this collaboration is what you now hold in you hands. Music that traverses the seas of introspection and brings us to the shores of quiet reflection. Together with the compact disc are some select images from the book, which were included to complement the music. The book and the album are meant to be two interpretations of a single idea. Think of two moons revolving around a single planet, or of twin stars sharing the same orbit.
I invite you to close your eyes, listen deep and immerse yourself into the world of silence.
I wish to thank all of the wonderfully talented young artists, writers, composers and musicians for pouring out their souls into this project. Bravo to all of you! Thank you for making my dream come true." Jaime Zobel